Traducteur français
Traducteur Russe
Traducteur russe
  Traducteur anglais
Traducteur ukrainien






Contacts :

Tél.: +33 (0) 5 53 96 64 57
Mobile: +33 (0) 6 66 53 20 91
E mail

Hello and welcome to the personnal website of your Russian Translator !

If you are looking for a Russian - French - English - Ukrainian interpreter / translator to support you in your personal life or professional career in France or in Europe, you need to look no further.

Apart from offering you highly professional translation services , I can provide you with flexible hours of availibility and international geographical mobility that will satisfy all your business needs and urgent requests.
I have a perfect command of the Russian and Ukrainian, and my BA in English and French from the National linguistic University of Kiev entitles me to provide professional translation services in those four languages.

I have many references from my extensive experience of translation and interpretation for various french and foreign compagnies in several different fields such as consulting, investments,banking, construction, international trade, engineering cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry..

Many companies of the hexagon wish to develop exchanges and partnerships with firms in the countries of the I.E.C. and as more and more countries take part in this kind of development, they look for more and more commercial support to shape their future internationally: visits and orgamization of shows, information networks (customers, partnerships, competitions);and more and more often they end up referencing some Russian websites...

I am often approached with requests to organize events and functions in France, the Ukraine or Russia for professional organizations or tourists who need assistance in making arrangements before and during their stay.I have all the necessary skills and information base to provide logistical support and protocol services for such events.

Finally, I occasionally utilize my teaching skills to organize international language training sessions in Russian and English for those interested.I have successfully conducted several such trainings in Aquitaine and Midi Pyrénées regions in the agglomerations of Agen, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Bayonne and Biarritz.